Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kozlova T.Z. Self-realization of people senior age. Journal of Social Research. 2017. №1. P. 54-61.

Kozlova T.Z. Self-realization of people senior age. Journal of Social Research. 2017. №1. P. 54-61.
ISSN 2500-0020

Posted on site: 02.05.17


The article discusses self-realization of elderly people, i.e. those 50 and older: age groups “50-59” and “above 60.” Analysis of empirical data showed that people in the “50-59 age” group retain a high level of selfrealization, while within the age group of “above 60”, this level is decreasing. The latter phenomenon is related to worsening health and motivation “to retire”.