Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Latov Y. Creative tasks on economic history. Economic History & History of Economics. 2017. Vol. 18. № 1. P. 155-189.

Latov Y. Creative tasks on economic history. Economic History & History of Economics. 2017. Vol. 18. № 1. P. 155-189.
ISSN 2308-2488

Posted on site: 10.11.17


In one of the first issues of «The Journal of Economic History & History of Economics» in 2003 it was stated that there was no Economic history problem book. As for now, the situation hasn't changed. Hence, the author presents a set of creative tasks for methodological support of Economic history courses in universities, that touch on all epochs of human history. This tasks involve debates, require preliminary preparation, and are based on discussion of notable art masterpieces, explanation of historical mysteries and studying of historical data.