Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Factors influencing the index of inter-ethnic tensions in Russia. Modern research practices in sociology: materials of the young scientists conference (Moscow, April 19-20, 2017) ...

Factors influencing the index of inter-ethnic tensions in Russia. Modern research practices in sociology: materials of the young scientists conference (Moscow, April 19-20, 2017) / Under total. Ed. V.V. Semenova; FNISC RAS. - Moscow: FNISTS RAS, 2017. - 232 p.

Глава из книги: Современные исследовательские практики в социологии: сборник материалов конференции молодых ученых (Москва, 19–20 апреля 2017 г.) / Под общ. ред. В. В. Семеновой; ФНИСЦ РАН. — Москва : ФНИСЦ РАН, 2017. — 232 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-292-1

Posted on site: 29.11.17


In this paper, we present a scheme of studying of inter-ethnic tension by means of constructing an index on the basis of RLMS data. The purpose of the study was to identify factors that affect the growth of inter-ethnic tensions. Under interethnic tension is understood the special state of ethnic groups, which is formed under the action of a set of unfavorable social conditions. Indicators of inter-ethnic tension are: hostile attitude towards representatives of another nationality, manifestation of inter-ethnic tension at the domestic level and in labor relations, readiness to defend the interests of their national group with the use of force, hostile attitude towards migrants. These indicators compiled an index of inter-ethnic tension (IET). With the help of regression analysis, the factors influencing the IET were identified.