Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Makushina L.V., Iglitskaya E.A., Middle class and government policy on the labour market. Social Sciences and the Humanities, 2017 Issue 5, pp.123-135.

Makushina L.V., Iglitskaya E.A., Middle class and government policy on the labour market. Social Sciences and the Humanities, 2017 Issue 5, pp.123-135.
ISSN 0869-8120

Posted on site: 29.11.17


The article discusses the tendency of reduction in the share of middle class in total population in many countries. One of the reasons for this is the recent problems in the sphere of social-labor relations at the labor market. The necessity of increasing the activity of the state at the labour market is demonstrated.