Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mikhailenok O.M. Features of the dynamics of socio - political relations in the formation of network society. In: the Time of great change: politics and policy: materials of all-Russian scientific conference of RAPN. Moscow, peoples ' friendship University, November 24-25 2017, ed. by O. V. Gaman - Golutvina, L. V. Smorgunov, L. N. Timofeeva. M.: PFUR, 2017. – P. 246-248.

Mikhailenok O.M. Features of the dynamics of socio - political relations in the formation of network society. In: the Time of great change: politics and policy: materials of all-Russian scientific conference of RAPN. Moscow, peoples ` friendship University, November 24-25 2017, ed. by O. V. Gaman - Golutvina, L. V. Smorgunov, L. N. Timofeeva. M.: PFUR, 2017. – P. 246-248.
ISBN 978-5-209-08158-6

Posted on site: 01.12.17



The concept of a network society is a priority for the characteristics of the new social reality. Today with great certainty can be argued that politics as an activity, under the influence of processes of satemization today is significantly different. The concept of a network of currently more claims to be universal metaphors are: network economy, network logic, network structure, network intelligence, network etc. In the global risk society social and political relations demonstrate the ambivalent dynamics. It concerns different aspects and components of these relations. A relevant aspect connected with the development trend of network structure of society and the corresponding changes in the nature of socio - political relations within it. The new network reality, with significant positive potential, gives rise to a number of problems.