Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Makushina L. V. Problems of the welfare state and labor relations. In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles ...

Makushina L. V. Problems of the welfare state and labor relations. In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of O. M. Mikhailenok, V. V. Lublinskiy; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS. (Harmony in the society as a condition of development of Russia. Issue 5). – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2017. – P.147-157.

Глава из книги: Социальное государство и политика: сборник научных статей / Под ред. О.М. Михайленка, В.В. Люблинского; Институт социологии РАН. – Москва: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2017. – 268 с. (Согласие в обществе как условие развития России. Выпуск 5).
ISBN 978-5-89697-289-1

Posted on site: 02.12.17


The deep ideological crisis of the social state consists in the fact that almost all the main political forces from different sectors of society begin to regard it as a ballast for the economy and consider it as a potential threat to the country's competitiveness in international markets, and not as a means of humanizing society and improving the quality of life. Many experts believe that the state seeks to avoid solving social problems by focusing on the economy. The social state at the present stage, in order to preserve all the best that has been created in the country in this direction, it is necessary to solve such equally important long-term tasks as ensuring sustainable development of the economy and high economic competitiveness of the country; achievement of social justice; real democracy in a rule-of-law state. These tasks often contradict each other, but from a strategic point of view they are interrelated. Therefore, it is impossible to solve the problems of social justice without ensuring the economic competitiveness of the country. At the same time, it is important that the balance of interests of different strata of society is observed. The deep ideological crisis of the social state consists in the fact that almost all the main political forces from different sectors of society begin to regard it as a ballast for the economy and consider it as a potential threat to the country's competitiveness in international markets, and not as a means of humanizing society and improving the quality of life. Many experts believe that the state seeks to avoid solving social problems by focusing on the economy. The social state at the present stage, in order to preserve all the best that has been created in the country in this direction, it is necessary to solve such equally important long-term tasks as ensuring sustainable development of the economy and high economic competitiveness of the country; achievement of social justice; real democracy in a rule-of-law state. These tasks often contradict each other, but from a strategic point of view they are interrelated. Therefore, it is impossible to solve the problems of social justice without ensuring the economic competitiveness of the country. At the same time, it is important that the balance of interests of different strata of society is observed.