Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Malinov A.V. Russian historiography in the works by S.N. Pogodin (Book review: Pogodin S.N. Essays on Russian historiography (the end of XIX - beginning of XX century). SPb.: Publishing house of Polytechnic University, 2017). Klio, 2017. № 5 (125), pp. 152–155.

Malinov A.V. Russian historiography in the works by S.N. Pogodin (Book review: Pogodin S.N. Essays on Russian historiography (the end of XIX - beginning of XX century). SPb.: Publishing house of Polytechnic University, 2017). Klio, 2017. № 5 (125), pp. 152–155.
ISSN 2070-9773

Posted on site: 04.12.17



The article is a review of a new book by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S.N. Pogodin. The general characteristic of creativity of S.N. Pogodin is given. It is pointed out that the essays collected in the book are devoted to the liberal-western historiography in Russia in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century (D.I. Kachenovskii, V.I. Ger,e, A.D. Gradovsky, I.V. Luchitsky, N.I. Kareyev, M.M. Kovalevsky, P.G. Vinogradov, A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky). To a greater or lesser extent, they were guided by the philosophy of positivism, which served as the basis for developing by them questions of the philosophy of history, theory and methodology of history, and also the beginning of the teaching of philosophy and the methodology of history in Russian universities.