Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Sapov V.V. Normativity of Science as a Problem in the Works of Pitirim Sorokin. In: Normy i moral v sotsiologicheskoy teorii: ot klassicheskikh kontseptsii k novym ideyam [Norms and morality in sociological theory: from classical conceptions to new ideas] ...

Sapov V.V. Normativity of Science as a Problem in the Works of Pitirim Sorokin. In: Normy i moral v sotsiologicheskoy teorii: ot klassicheskikh kontseptsii k novym ideyam [Norms and morality in sociological theory: from classical conceptions to new ideas] / I.F. Deviatko [et al.]; ed. by I.F. Deviatko; R.N.Abramov, I.V. Katernyi; Institute of Sociology RAS. — Мoscow, Ves Mir, 2017

Глава из книги: Нормы и мораль в социологической теории: от классических концепций к новым идеям: [монография] / [И.Ф. Девятко и др.]; Отв. ред. И.Ф. Девятко, Р.Н. Абрамов, И.В. Катерный. – М.: Весь Мир, 2017 – 288 с.
ISBN 978-5-7777-0706-2

Posted on site: 18.12.17


The chapter discloses the contributions made by Pitirim Sorokin to the study of the moral patterns of human behavior. Some of little known and never known works of Sorokin, both of his Russian and American periods, are introduced and studied. A critical analysis of two works of Sorokin, including one written at the beginning of his career and an another one that symbolically crowns it, is provided. The former is his early “Crime and Punishment, Meritorious Deeds and Rewards”, first major work written and published in Russian in 1913, the latter is “The Ways and Power of Love” (1954), summarizing not only Sorokin’s longtime ‘amitological’ investigations, but all his scientific contributions. The chapter attempts to elicit what the normativity is in Sorokin’s thought and how it affects his view on the ways patterns of behavior, including deviant behavior, evolve and function. The evolution of Sorokin’s thought on the issue is also traced, for which purpose some of his other works concerning the problem of normativity are effectively scrutinized The chapter discloses the contributions made by Pitirim Sorokin tothe study of the moral patterns of human behavior. Some of little knownand never known works of Sorokin, both of his Russian and Americanperiods, are introduced and studied. A critical analysis of two worksof Sorokin, including one written at the beginning of his career andan another one that symbolically crowns it, is provided. The former ishis early “Crime and Punishment, Meritorious Deeds and Rewards”,first major work written and published in Russian in 1913, the latter is“The Ways and Power of Love” (1954), summarizing not only Sorokin’slongtime ‘amitological’ investigations, but all his scientific contributions.The chapter attempts to elicit what the normativity is in Sorokin’s thoughtand how it affects his view on the ways patterns of behavior, includingdeviant behavior, evolve and function. The evolution of Sorokin’sthought on the issue is also traced, for which purpose some of his otherworks concerning the problem of normativity are effectively scrutinized