Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Sociology: a textbook

Sociology: a textbook / Yu. G. Volkov - Izd. 3rd, Sr. - Rostov on / D: Phoenix, 2014. - 667, [1] p. - (Higher education).
ISBN 978-5-222-22430-4

Posted on site: 11.05.18



The book is a textbook on general sociology, written in accordance with the new State Standard. The volume of the manual covers the basic concepts of the course of sociology. The abundance of examples from life, explaining the theoretical propositions, the simplicity and accessibility of the exposition, numerous modern sociological empirical data are focused on involuntary memorization and provide ease of mastering the learning topics. At the end of each section questions and tasks are given. The textbook is based on many years of experience in the teaching of sociological disciplines, as well as extensive theoretical developments of the author. Some materials, drawn from foreign sources, are first introduced into the domestic scientific circulation. It is intended for students, post-graduate students, teachers of higher educational institutions, all interested in sociology.

Content (in russ)