Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Corporatism of subjects of administrative management in the Russian society: monograph

Corporatism of subjects of administrative management in the Russian society: monograph. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house The Foundation for Science and Education, 2017. - 168 p.
ISBN 978-5-6040247-7-5

Posted on site: 18.05.18



The monograph presents a theoretical model for investigating the corporatism of subjects of administrative management in Russian society, outlines organizational parameters for measuring and reproducing corporatism, and analyzes the value-motivational dimension of corporatism in the professional activity of officials. The paper presents practical experience of administrative management, gives an assessment of the prospects for changes and continuity. The theoretical positions of the work are based on empirical material collected in the framework of the author's sociological research conducted in 2017. The monograph is addressed to managers. scientific workers, teachers, doctoral students, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions, as well as to all who are interested in researching this interesting and relevant topic.


Content (in russ)