Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Oleg N.Yanitsky, Global Risks Networks: A New Field of Interdisciplinary Studies International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2018, 4(1) : 8-15

Oleg N.Yanitsky, Global Risks Networks: A New Field of Interdisciplinary Studies International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2018, 4(1) : 8-15
ISSN 2454-8677
DOI 10.20431/2454-8677.0401002

Posted on site: 10.08.18

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 10.08.2018)


The article represents the analysis and reflections on a series of global risks researches carried out by an international team of experts during 10 years by the initiative of the World Economic forum in 2008- 2018s. Drawing on the material of these Reports and on the investigations of global structures and processes carried out by world scientific community at the turn of XX and XXI centuries the author came to the following conclusions. It is a first empirical study of global risks networks and the emergence of critical situations at the points of their intersection. Modern risks are complex phenomenon mainly of man-made origin that cannot be reduced to the sum of parallel processes. Potentially, the global risks are a multisided, all-embracing and all-penetration phenomenon that should be studied by means of interdisciplinary methodology. The study of space-time regime of the intersection of interests of global and local stakeholders is very important because it assists to reveal and analyze a multitude of metabolic processes. Risks may produce a cascade effects that is a succession of negative natural, social and technological events and environment destruction. Risks as a threat may be direct or indirect, and exert immediate or postponed effect. I distinguish actual and sleeping (overt), or even false(dramatized) risks. An intensification of market economy is usually resulted in an overexploitation of the planet resources that is risky in its nature. All said above means a necessity of development of analysis of global risks as a highly complicated sociobiotechnical system (hereafter the SBT-system) full of metabolic transformations. The shaping of global SBT-system means that the threshold of the biosphere sustainability had been surmounted.


Яницкий О.Н.