Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Scherbina V.V. Rationalizing diagnostic management social technologies: [monograph]

Scherbina V.V. Rationalizing diagnostic management social technologies: [monograph] / V.V. Shcherbina; FSISC RAS. - Moscow: New Chronograph, 2018. - 416 p.
ISBN 978-5-94881-416-2

Posted on site: 16.10.18

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The monograph is devoted to the consideration of the specifics of one of the types of structural means of activity, which the author calls rational diagnostic diagnostic management social technologies (RDUST). RDUST is considered in the book as a special type of instrumental diagnostic tools created under the task of rationalizing the management of business organizations, based on the principles of selectivity. This type of tool is described by the author for how long existing and proven type of management diagnostic technologies created for the tasks of social management Lenia. However, the latter (in contrast to communication technologies) present time is not actually described and not singled out in a special type of social technology. The monograph describes in detail: the specifics RDUST, functions, types, theoretical and methodological grounds underlying based on them, as well as examples of such technologies, created by the author of monograph. The monograph is addressed to practicing and applied sociologists. and psychologists, as well as other specialists of social orientation, working with organizations, university professors, specialists management sheets on sociological, psychological and economic faculties, graduate students and students specializing in social management issues. The monograph is devoted to the consideration of the specifics of one of the types ofstructural means of activity, which the author calls rationaldiagnostic diagnostic management socialtechnologies (RDUST). RDUST is considered in the book as a special type ofinstrumental diagnostic tools created underthe task of rationalizing the management of business organizations,based on the principles ofselectivity. This type of tool is described by the author for how longexisting and proven type of managementdiagnostic technologies created for the tasks of social managementLenia. However, the latter (in contrast to communication technologies)present time is not actually described and not singled out in a special type ofsocial technology. The monograph describes in detail: the specificsRDUST, functions, types, theoretical and methodological grounds underlyingbased on them, as well as examples of such technologies, created by the author ofmonograph.The monograph is addressed to practicing and applied sociologists.and psychologists, as well as other specialists of social orientation,working with organizations, university professors, specialistsmanagement sheets on sociological, psychological and economicfaculties, graduate students and students specializing insocial management issues.


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