Yanitsky O. Russian Environmentalism: Leading Figures, Facts, Opinions. Moscow. Mezhdunarodnyje Otnoshenija Publishing House. 1993. P. 256. Yanitsky O. Russian Environmentalism: Leading Figures, Facts, Opinions. Moscow. Mezhdunarodnyje Otnoshenija Publishing House. 1993. P. 256.ISBN 5-7133-0689-5Posted on site: 16.10.18Текст книги.AbstractThe book which you have before you is the result of research which I have carried out over the past six years. However, it could not have appeared had the interviewees simply furnished me with the required information, Fortunately, the reality was quite different. The respondents and I were partners in dialogues on the development of the environmental movements in Russia, dialogues which we conducted sometimes with intervals of months or ever years. In the course of these discussions my view of this process took shape and acquired depth. The respondents not only provided me with generous help in my work, but also allowed me to see the movement and its context from within.Авторы:Яницкий О.Н.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents CONTENS Acknowledgements 4 Foreword 5 1. From the History of the Movement 9 2. Personal and Family Roots 19 3. The Barrier of Stereotypes: "Us2 and "Them" 4. Civic Initiatives: Values and Goals 30 5. On Environmental Values, in Particular 40 6. The Context of the Movement 46 7. Initiatives in the Pre-perestroika Epoch 52 8. Typical Initiatives Today 60 9. In their Own Words 79 10. The Alignment of Forces 90 11 .In their Own "Words 102 12. The Movement as Such: Values, Resources and Policies ..115 13. From Political Mobilization to Civil Society 128 14. Initiative Ecology and the “Old Milieu” 136 15. In their Own Words 142 Conclusion 166 APPENDIX I. Leaders and Participants 172 APPENDIX 2. Major Developments in the Rise of the Movement 221 Notes 255