Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Nedyak I.L. Marketing communications and peaceful revolutions: coercive technology under the cover of persuasive communications. In: Capital of revolutions: monograph ...

Nedyak I.L. Marketing communications and peaceful revolutions: coercive technology under the cover of persuasive communications. In: Capital of revolutions: monograph /group of authors; R.V.Pyrma,I.A.Pomiguev (eds). Miscow : KNORUS. 2018. P. 625-653.
ISBN 978-5-4365-2656-0

Posted on site: 04.12.18


The diversification of the role of the political marketing technologies  in the wide range of modern  peaceful revolutions  is observed. Attention focuses on some marketing techniques  to shape  climate of opinion and  identities, to enhance  symbolic policy   for the benefit  of the communicator.