Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Geger S.A., Geger A.E. Factors of ecoactivism in Russia. Peterburgskaya sociologiya segodnya [Petersburg sociology today], 2018, Issue 10, pp. 65-77.

Geger S.A., Geger A.E. Factors of ecoactivism in Russia. Peterburgskaya sociologiya segodnya [Petersburg sociology today], 2018, Issue 10, pp. 65-77.
ISSN 2308-3166

Posted on site: 18.01.19


Two factors of Eco activism are considered in the article: 1) personal traits related to socio-demographic characteristics and 2) attitudes and values; also shows the spread of eco-activism both in Russia and in the world as a whole. The dependence between Eco activism and the level of education is revealed: among Eco activists there are more people with higher education. It was expected that the representatives of this group - as a whole are more financially secure than the rest of the survey participants. Among Eco activists, there are more than those who refer themselves to the middle class, upper middle class and even the upper class. The leaders in environmental activity were the Volga and Siberia, which occupy the lowest lines of Russia's environmental rating. In the course of the study, the hypothesis of objective problems and subjective values of R. Inglehart was confirmed: it was revealed that Eco activists are recruited, firstly, among residents of regions where there are objective environmental problems, and secondly, at the expense of the inhabitants of megacities that demonstrate a greater commitment to post-materialistic values.