Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Tikhonova N.E. Social Policy in Modern Russia: New Systemic Challenges. Social Sciences and Modernity, 2019, Issue 2, pp. 5-18.

Tikhonova N.E. Social Policy in Modern Russia: New Systemic Challenges. Social Sciences and Modernity, 2019, Issue 2, pp. 5-18.
ISSN 0869-0499
DOI 10.31857/S086904990004334-9

Posted on site: 22.04.19


The article, which is the first part of a block of two (the second article will be published in the next issue of the journal), presents an analysis of some of the systemic challenges that Russian social policy currently face. It is shown that the functions of social policy in the modern world are much wider than those usually articulated in Russia, and the need to shift from social support to social management is emphasized. The situation with socio-economic inequalities is analyzed; it is shown that the problem of excessive and illegitimate inequalities becomes the most important challenge for the Russian state and its social policy. The significance of this problem is also recognized by the Russians themselves, who consider it even more important than the problem of poverty. Another important systemic challenge is decline in abilities of the population to solve its problems on its own (even with the seeming increase in incomes) due to the “de-farming of the peasantry” and decrease in the social resource of the population, especially among its most vulnerable groups, increase in the debt burden of the middle class, etc. It is emphasized that the further successful and sustainable development of Russia requires an adequate response not only to the challenges described in the article but also to many other systemic challenges. The article, which is the first part of a block of two (the second article will be published in thenext issue of the journal), presents an analysis of some of the systemic challenges that Russian socialpolicy currently face. It is shown that the functions of social policy in the modern world are muchwider than those usually articulated in Russia, and the need to shift from social support to socialmanagement is emphasized. The situation with socio-economic inequalities is analyzed; it is shownthat the problem of excessive and illegitimate inequalities becomes the most important challenge for theRussian state and its social policy. The significance of this problem is also recognized by the Russiansthemselves, who consider it even more important than the problem of poverty. Another importantsystemic challenge is decline in abilities of the population to solve its problems on its own (even withthe seeming increase in incomes) due to the “de-farming of the peasantry” and decrease in the socialresource of the population, especially among its most vulnerable groups, increase in the debt burdenof the middle class, etc. It is emphasized that the further successful and sustainable development ofRussia requires an adequate response not only to the challenges described in the article but also tomany other systemic challenges.