Mansurov V.A., Semenova A.V., Ivanova E.Yu., Yurchenko O.V. Professional Dynasties as a Social Mechanism for the Reproduction of Professional Identities. In: Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019) ... Mansurov V.A., Semenova A.V., Ivanova E.Yu., Yurchenko O.V. Professional Dynasties as a Social Mechanism for the Reproduction of Professional Identities. In: Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. P. 133-143. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.Ãëàâà èç êíèãè: Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging.View from Russia:[Electronic resource]: collected papers European Sociological Association 14th Conference “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”(Manchester, GB, Augest 20-24, 2019)/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2019. 328 p. 1 CD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label.ISBN 978-5-904804-29-9DOI íåòPosted on site: 26.08.19AbstractProject Professional Dynasties as a Social Mechanism of the Reproduction of Professional Groups is directed towards the studies of reasons and circumstances of the rise and fall of professional dynasties. By dynasty we understand a social group localised in the industrial and socio-economic sphere characterised by kindred relationships, where several generations do their professional work in the same sphere. We have studied the professional dynasties of doctors, teachers, lawyers and engineers under contemporary conditions of work. In this paper we shall present the preliminary results of the research taking engineers as an example. We have undertaken in-depth interviews with the members of these professional dynasties engaged in the public and private sector in Moscow, Moscow region, Ekaterinburg, Ufa and Samara in 2016-2018. The phenomenon of ‘professional dynasty’ was brought to life by the Soviet state in the 1920-s. Dynasties were social constructs done by the state that aimed at producing elite professions and professional layers. Later, professional dynasties were formed in various spheres by professionals themselves through parents’ expectations and passing down of professional knowledge. Contemporary dynasties still constitute professional identities and provide the passing down of knowledge from parents to children. Dynasties may become a resource for a family professional mobility. The members of dynasties use various informal methods and practices for the upbringing of next generation in the context of changing economic, technical and social realities. Dynasties may provide conditions for the effective professional adaptation and career realization of young generations. Dynasties no longer guarantee an elite professional standing. However, dynasty professionals have a stronger professional identity and they report to be better adapted to the changes in the labour market.