Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Popova IP. Creative professional career. How is the professional control possible? RSUH

Popova IP. Creative professional career. How is the professional control possible? RSUH/RGGU Bulletin.“Philosophy. Sociology. Art Studies” Series. 2019;2:91-102. DOI: 10.28995/2073-6401-2019-2-91-102
ISSN 2073-6401
DOI 10.28995/2073-6401-2019-2-91-102

Posted on site: 07.10.19

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 07.10.2019)


This article is devoted to the articulation of issue of creative career. It considers approaches to definition of that type of professional career, features of its development in modern societies, professional groups occupied with creative activity. Central attention is paid to the conditions and principles of its professional regulation, which is associated with the possibilities of professional control. The main methodological approaches and findings in the research that consider different types of careers, specifics of professional regulation in that area are analyzed. The author highlights approaches developed within the sociology of professions. Conclusions are drawn about the main stream and principles of favorable environment for the development of creative careers formation through the build up of opportunities and norms of “negotiation processes” with the state and the market about the areas of competence, as well as relations with society. Ideas about the stages and ethical regulation of the conditions for the creative careers development can contribute to the development of indicators that would organically mark those stages, the general procedures for their evaluation; social measures, such as types of effective employment contracts, social insurance in creative work; rules of expertise regarding career, norms of professional ethics with