Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Levchenko N.V. Features of the ethno-cultural processes in the North Caucasus. Current problems: views of residents of the republic. In: Humanitarian and socio-political problems of the modernization of the Caucasus. Collection of scientific articles of the VIIth International Conference ...

Levchenko N.V. Features of the ethno-cultural processes in the North Caucasus. Current problems: views of residents of the republic. In: Humanitarian and socio-political problems of the modernization of the Caucasus. Collection of scientific articles of the VIIth International Conference / Ed. ed. Prof. Sampiev I.M. / Nazran LLC “KEP”, 2019. P. 253-259.
ISBN 978-5-4482-0056-4

Posted on site: 16.10.19

Текст статьи.


Analysis of the data showed that one of the central problems is the preservation by the peoples of the Caucasus of their social identity. The study showed that the most acute problems of concern to the population over the past few years include low incomes, unemployment and lack of jobs, corruption and inaction of local authorities. It was revealed that in addition to solving the above problems, in order to overcome the factors of social tension in the ethnopolitical processes in the North Caucasus, it is extremely important to increase the culture of interethnic communication and develop the spiritual and cultural traditions of the peoples of the republics.