Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Malinov A.V. From the history of teaching the methodology of science at St. Petersburg University. In: Russian Logos - 2: Modern - boundaries of control. Materials of the international philosophical conference, St. Petersburg, September 25–28, 2019 - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, 2019. - 688 p. P. 648–652.

Malinov A.V. From the history of teaching the methodology of science at St. Petersburg University. In: Russian Logos - 2: Modern - boundaries of control. Materials of the international philosophical conference, St. Petersburg, September 25–28, 2019 - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, 2019. - 688 p. P. 648–652.
ISBN 978-5-8064-2760-2

Posted on site: 21.11.19


The purpose of the publication is to reveal the contents of the unpublished manuscript of Nikolai Ivanovich Karev “General methodology of the humanities”. The purpose of the publication is to reveal the contents of the unpublishedmanuscript of Nikolai Ivanovich Karev “General methodology of the humanities”. It is indicated that Kareev’s manuscript completes his research on the questions of the philosophy of history, the theory of history, and the methodology of history. It is noted that Kareev was a follower of the philosophy of positivism, he saw in methodology a methodological function, above all. The development of methodological issues allows us to substantiate the status of history and other humanities as a science.