Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Fadeev P.V. The potential of Ufa museums in the formation of visitor identities. Ethnosocium and Interethnic Culture, 2019, No. 9 (135), pp. 52-69.

Fadeev P.V. The potential of Ufa museums in the formation of visitor identities. Ethnosocium and Interethnic Culture, 2019, No. 9 (135), pp. 52-69.
ISSN 2072-3091

Posted on site: 30.12.19


The article is an attempt to understand the influence of museums on the formation of visitor identities. The object of the study were four museums in the capital of Bashkortostan - Ufa: the National Museum of Bashkortostan (central branch), the Museum of Sh.A. Khudaiberdin, Museum of S.T. Aksakov and Museum of M.V. Nesterov. The study showed that most of the events of the National Museum of Bashkortostan are aimed at the formation and maintenance of Bashkortostan and Bashkir identities. Some meetings are held in the Bashkir language, and the main audience of thematic evenings are Bashkirs (to a lesser extent Tatars and Russians). The Khudaiberdin Museum is orientated on Bashkir culture of the Soviet period, which at the same time does not turn into nationalism. The Aksakov Museum turned out to be an island of traditional Russian culture and Orthodoxy, while Aksakov is positioned as an ethnic Russian writer, unlike Nesterov, who is positioned in the gallery as an all-Russian artist.