Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Podyachev K.V. Revoliucionnye sobytiya 1917 g. i ikh sovremennaya otsenka kak otrazhenie spetsifiki razvitiya Rossii. History and modernity, 2019, No. 4 (34), pp. 36-56.

Podyachev K.V. Revoliucionnye sobytiya 1917 g. i ikh sovremennaya otsenka kak otrazhenie spetsifiki razvitiya Rossii. History and modernity, 2019, No. 4 (34), pp. 36-56.
ISSN 1811-7481
DOI 10.30884/iis/2019.04.02

Posted on site: 23.01.20


This article discusses the problem of the origins and consequences of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917 in connection with modern transformations.The author pays special attention to the question of revolution as a factor of development. The article proposes to abandon the underestimation of the February Revolution and consider it as part of a unified process of the collapse of traditional Russian statehood along with the assassination of Alexander II and the October Revolution. Analyzing the current situation, the author points out that today local actors, that is, those who shape the social atmosphere of local communities, are unequivocally opposed to any attempts to organize any kind of transformation in Russia by force. The Russian local actor, possessing all the qualities of Turenov's “acting subject”, is, in its value orientations, more likely an integrator in the understanding of Parsons. In the special sociocultural specifics of Russia, the author sees the basis for the hope that Russian society will be able to break through contemporary global transformations by the way of  Evolution, not Revolution.