Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ryumina E.V. Quality of life as factor of influence on qualitative characteristics of the population. Journal of Economy and Business, 2019, No 7, pp. 134-139.

Ryumina E.V. Quality of life as factor of influence on qualitative characteristics of the population. Journal of Economy and Business, 2019, No 7, pp. 134-139.
ISSN 2411-0450
DOI 10.24411/2411-0450-2019-11092

Posted on site: 18.02.20


In article statistics of quality of life and quality of the population in regions is studied. It is investigated as the level of poverty and unemployment rate influence demographic indicators and social behavior of the population. Attention is paid to the ecological index reflecting environment situation. The types of dependence of these indicators for the majority of Russian regions are found and also the regions deviating the general regularities are revealed.