Zubok Yu.A., Chuprov V.I., Lyubutov A.S. The experience of structural-taxonomic research of self-organization of youth’s life. Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, 2020, Issue 53, pp. 59-75. Zubok Yu.A., Chuprov V.I., Lyubutov A.S. The experience of structural-taxonomic research of self-organization of youth’s life. Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, 2020, Issue 53, pp. 59-75.ISSN 1998-863XDOI 10.17223/1998863X/53/7РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42617882Posted on site: 08.04.20Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: http://journals.tsu.ru/philosophy/&journal_page=archive&id=1935&article_id=43741 (дата обращения 08.04.2020)AbstractSelf-organization plays a significant role in society. The streamlining and reformatting of social connections and interactions, the disintegration and birth of new sociocultural models, the forming of intragroup and intergroup solidarities are associated with self-organization. Young people as a relatively independent socio-demographic group have a high potential for self-organization. Its focus is determined by the motivational factors underlying it. While some strategies achieve an optimal result, others lead to an escalation of contradictions, becoming a social problem. While some strategies achieve an optimal result, others lead to an escalation of contradictions becoming a social problem. The problem comes to be significantly exacerbated in the conditions of social uncertainty and crises when spontaneous decisions in the field of management start to conflict with the images of reality and the wellestablished semantic structures of individuals and groups, not only failing to achieve the goal, but also provoking cultural conflicts. All this puts forward an analysis of the bases of youth self-organization into a line of priority research tasks and determines the relevance of their study in the context of a more general mechanism of social self-regulation of life activity. The Center for Sociology of Youth, Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is developing a sociocultural mechanism of self-regulation of youth activity to study the processes of self-organization and their motivating sources. This article presents the results of the structural taxonomy used to analyze the motives of self-organization in the youth environment. The interrelation of elements of the selfregulation mechanism with representatives of youth self-organization is analyzed. On the basis of a taxonomic analysis, zones of attraction of archetypical and mental features, life-long (sense-of-life) values and self-organization attitudes of young people are revealed. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents