Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ivanova E.Yu. Nepotism as a Destructive form of professional Dynasties: State Policy and social Opinion. Theory and Practice of social development, 2020, Issue 5, pp. 42-50.

Ivanova E.Yu. Nepotism as a Destructive form of professional Dynasties: State Policy and social Opinion. Theory and Practice of social development, 2020, Issue 5, pp. 42-50.
ISSN 1815-4964
DOI 10.24158/tipor.2020.5.7

Posted on site: 19.05.20

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 19.05.2020)


The paper analyzes the phenomenon of “nepotism” as a destructive form of professional succession, as well as the methods of state policy to limit the possibility of forming and supporting professional dynasties in order to counteract corruption. In summing up the analysis of modern legislation against nepotism as a form of conflict of interests of individuals and society, its impact on the processes of family professional succession, the author notes the current lack of a unified law enforcement practice, as well as an insufficient assessment of the sectoral features of corruption, the negative impact on the factors of the emergence and support of professional dynasties in the field of intellectual labor. Global interests of society and local interests of the family require serious multi-factor research (law, psychology, conflictology, sociology, economics, political science) of possible ways to resolve the conflict between the phenomena of nepotism and dynasties in various professional fields.