Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abramov A. V., Bagdasaryan V. E., Byshok S. O., Volodenkov S. V., Evstaf ’ev D. G., Egorov V. G., Komleva N. A., Kramarenko N. S., Manoilo A. V., Mikhailenok O. M., Petrenko A. I., Prokof ’ev V. F. Pandemia COVID-19: The end of the familiar world? In: Bulletin of Moscow Region State Univer-sity (e-journal), 2020, no. 2. Available at:

Abramov A. V., Bagdasaryan V. E., Byshok S. O., Volodenkov S. V., Evstaf ’ev D. G., Egorov V. G., Komleva N. A., Kramarenko N. S., Manoilo A. V., Mikhailenok O. M., Petrenko A. I., Prokof ’ev V. F. Pandemia COVID-19: The end of the familiar world? In: Bulletin of Moscow Region State Univer-sity (e-journal), 2020, no. 2. Available at:
ISSN 2224-0209
DOI 10.18384/2224-0209-2020-2-1001

Posted on site: 25.05.20



At the round table organized by the electronic journal Bulletin of Moscow Region State University, a discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the modern world that is familiar to us was held. The main topics of discussion were: assessment of the psychological state of people in Russia and other countries, their reaction to anti-epidemic measures taken by governments; identification of changes in the social, economic, political spheres, as well as in the areas of digitalization and education, brought by pandemic; forecasting geopolitical and geoeconomic shifts that may occur in the world; determination of the place of Russia in the future world order. The experts at the round table were political scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Scientific Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Federal University named after the first President B. N. Yeltsin, Academy of Social Management, International Organization for Election Monitoring CISEMO, Moscow Region State University.



Абрамов А.В., Багдасарян В.Э., Бышок С.О., Володенков С.В., Евстафьев Д.Г., Егоров В.Г., Комлева Н.А., Крамаренко Н.С., Манойло А.В., Михайленок О.М., Петренко А.И., Прокофьев В.Ф.

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