Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Patsiorkovsky V.V. Strategic planning: peasant farming in rural development. In: Russia: Trends and Development Prospects. Yearbook. Issue 15.Part 2 ...

Patsiorkovsky V.V. Strategic planning: peasant farming in rural development. In: Russia: Trends and Development Prospects. Yearbook. Issue 15.Part 2 / RAS. INION. Dept. scientific. cooperation; Resp. ed.V.I.Gerasimov.- M., 2020. P. 129-133.
ISBN 978-5-248-00970-1
DOI нет

Posted on site: 17.09.20

Текст статьи/сборника на сайте URL:Россия_тенденции_и_перспективы_развития_Ежегодник_Вып_15_Ч_2_РАН_ИНИОН_М_2020_1002_с (дата обращения 17.09.2020)


In recent years, rural development has entered into ever-deeper contradictions with the country's socio-economic policy. Suffice it to say that the Strategy for the Spatial Development of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2025 adopted by the Government of the country in 2019, which is a strategic planning document developed within the framework of goal-setting on a territorial basis, practically does not have this issue. It is unlikely that the concepts of agro-industrial center and rural area existing in the specified document can be even remotely associated with rural development. Moreover, the Strategy contains very limited recognition at the federal level of interest in renewable natural resources and the green economy in general. Of the renewable natural resources, it reflected only interest in land, which was realized through the introduction of the category of promising agro-industrial centers of economic growth. For example, for the spatial and economic development of forest regions and the timber industry as a branch of the national economy, as well as for the development of forest rural areas and forestry agriculture, this circumstance is very important. In accordance with the Strategy, this issue is outside the scope of spatial development.


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