Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Zubok Yu. A., Berezutskiy Yu. V. Social activity of youth: ideological foundations of self-regulations. Power and Administration in the East of Russia, 2020, No. 2 (91), pp. 89–105. DOI 10.22394 ...

Zubok Yu. A., Berezutskiy Yu. V. Social activity of youth: ideological foundations of self-regulations. Power and Administration in the East of Russia, 2020, No. 2 (91), pp. 89–105. DOI 10.22394/1818-4049-2020-91-2-89-105
ISSN 1818-4049
DOI 10.22394/1818-4049-2020-91-2-89-105

Posted on site: 28.09.20



The regulator of social activity of young people, its intensity and direction – is the semantic representations of reality. They are most clearly manifested in social attitudes, guided by which young people show certain forms of activity. The article describes the basics of self-regulation of social activity of young people and the role of ideological meanings in this process. Based on the data of the all-Russian research, the characteristics of social activity of young people and their differences in different groups of young people are given. The influence of worldview attitudes of solidarity, empathy and trust on the ratio of activity and passivity in the youth environment is revealed. It is revealed that young people who are focused on empathy and solidarity are ready for active forms of life much more often than their rational peers. In turn, the manifestation of modern rational attitudes of calculation and individualism, combined with the attitude of distrust, is more often converted into social passivity. An independent section of the article is devoted to the analysis of the results of focus group interviews conducted with the youth of the Far-Eastern region, which revealed contradictions in social attitudes to the activity and the possibilities of their implementation