Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Svetlana V. Lourie The Church of the Introverts Why there are no longer such figures as John of Krondtadt among us. Conservatism notebooks, 2020. No 1, pp. 729-739.

Svetlana V. Lourie The Church of the Introverts Why there are no longer such figures as John of Krondtadt among us. Conservatism notebooks, 2020. No 1, pp. 729-739.
ISSN 2409-2517
DOI 10.24030/24092517-2020-0-1-729-739

Posted on site: 13.10.20

Òåêñò ñòàòüè/âûïóñêà íà ñàéòå æóðíàëà URL: (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ 13.10.2020)


The article is devoted to the issue of contemporary church, perhaps the church of the recent times, to the issue of its parishioners and the characteristics of their psychological disposition, scope of reading, thought and ideas. Where is the marking line that divides them from the “secular life”, from “good laypeople” who also aspire to be moral? We see this marking line in the realization (awareness) of the conception of the sin and the use of this realization in everyday life. The root of difference between the “ecclesiastical traditionalists” and “ecclesiastical liberals”, that are connected with two diverse theologies and two diverse anthropologies, lies in the different attitude to the conception of sin. The traditionalists support the ascetic church doctrine that now more and more penetrates the parishioners’ life, and the liberals, voluntary or involuntary, absorbed the idea of the Man of the New Time, natural man, who due to the newest tendencies is gradually turning into an “unnatural man”. The disappearance of the concept of sin from the public conscience makes it impossible to deliver such sermons as the Saint Holy John of Kronstadt. The church and the laypeople tend more and more to talk past each other, the ecclesiasts turn more introvertive, unsociable and misunderstood by the world. Jesus Christ also spoke about this phenomenon: “If you were from the world, the world would love its own, but I chose you from the world, so the world hates you”. The tragic aspect of this saying becomes more evident in our time that has certain apocalyptic traits.