Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Tikhonov A.V. Problems of social group formation in regions of the Russian Federation with different levels of socio-cultural modernization: adequate responses to strategic challenges. In: Reforming Russia: yearbook: vol. 18 ...

Tikhonov A.V. Problems of social group formation in regions of the Russian Federation with different levels of socio-cultural modernization: adequate responses to strategic challenges. In: Reforming Russia: yearbook: vol. 18 / hole ed. M.K. Gorshkov - M.: New Chronograph, 2020. P. 160-175.

Глава из книги: Россия реформирующаяся: ежегодник: вып. 18 / отв. ред. М. К. Горшков – М. : Новый Хронограф, 2020. – 592 с.
ISBN 978-5-94881-487-2
DOI 10.19181/ezheg.2020.7

Posted on site: 05.11.20

Текст статьи.


The subject is methodological approaches to the study of the laws of social group forming in the system of relations between civil society and power-management structures in regions with diff erent levels of socio-cultural modernization. The program of our research is the relevance of the transition from a crisis situation to a post-crisis one, which should affect the balance between the interests of power and society. Such an important conclusion from empirical sociological studies before the pandemic, more than once voiced and disputed in the scientific literature, of course, requires additional work. The threat to the life and health of citizens from coronavirus becomes an irreparable factor that creates new conditions for the development of a new “civil contract” taking into account the appearance of a possible new logic of “challenges and answers”. There is being investigated the problem of the appearance of poor-quality institutions in Russia, which manifests itself in the phenomenon of “unworthy government” imposing the most significant restrictions on the implementation of the project of socio-cultural modernization. It is argued that the search for rent in Russia is not just a side effect of corruption and inefficiency, but also the main reason for the phenomenon of “unworthy management” of the state, the result of which inevitably becomes the spread of our poor quality of social group formation