Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Sorokin O.V. Life purpose values in the socio-cultural regulation of deviant behavior of young people in the sphere of education. Alma mater, 2020, No. 11, pp. 29-35.

Sorokin O.V. Life purpose values in the socio-cultural regulation of deviant behavior of young people in the sphere of education. Alma mater, 2020, No. 11, pp. 29-35.
ISSN 1026-955X
DOI 10.20339/AM.11-20.029

Posted on site: 12.11.20



In the context of the transformation of modern Russian society, the role of traditional educational institutions in the regulation of deviant behavior of young people is weakening. In the social reality of young people, acts of deviant behavior are endowed with new semantic content. Previously unambiguously condemned behavioral acts associated with the attitude towards the teacher, the relationship in the school team and the education system as a whole in modern conditions are interpreted ambiguously in the youth environment. Meanwhile, the basic foundations of universally significant norms, based on the life-meaning values ​​of the core of Russian culture, continue to be reproduced in the social practices of Russian youth, thanks to the mechanisms of self-regulation, which are based on mentality, archetypes, and habitus. The theme itself, the attitude to the objects of education, understanding the meaning of their purpose, the functions that they perform in society, are closely related to those key needs that the carriers of the cultural code have long invested in these objects. That is why, in the social reality of young people, hybrid forms of semantic relationship to universally significant norms begin to coexist. Young people more and more often determine for themselves which behavioral acts should be considered appropriate for themselves, and which are deviating in the field of education.