Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Gadzhimuradova G.I., Rabat L. The Role of Women in the Political Discourse of Muslim Countries. Islamovedenie, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 5–23.

Gadzhimuradova G.I., Rabat L. The Role of Women in the Political Discourse of Muslim Countries. Islamovedenie, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 5–23.
ISSN 2411-0302
DOI 10.21779/2077-8155-2020-11-3-5–23

Posted on site: 06.12.20

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 06.12.2020)


The article is devoted to the problem of gender equality in Tunisia, Lebanon and Turkey. These countries belong to the Arab-Muslim world, where religious traditions and Sharia law are strong. The authors show what path these countries have taken in addressing gender equality issues and outline the role of women themselves in addressing the question of their rights. The article shows the results of women's struggle for their rights and the ways women's right to equality are implemented in each coun- try. The authors emphasize the importance of women's participation in the social and political life of countries. They use the examples of Tunisia, Lebanon and Turkey that, on the one hand, are part of the Muslim world, and, on the other hand, adhere to secular principles of government at the legislative level. The article shows that traditions are still strong in these countries, and religion is a powerful social and political factor that affects the current state of gender equality and hinders women's participation in politics at different levels of government. The study attempts to demonstrate the role governments and various Islamic movements play in shaping public policy towards women and their rights, and the role of women themselves in the society and in addressing gender equality issues.