Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Cherednichenko G.A. Part-time form of higher education (based on the materials of state statistics of the Russian Federation). In: Part-time students and graduates of higher education: social behavior in education and the labor market: monograph ...

Cherednichenko G.A. Part-time form of higher education (based on the materials of state statistics of the Russian Federation). In: Part-time students and graduates of higher education: social behavior in education and the labor market: monograph / G.A. Cherednichenko, E. D. Voznesenskaya, I. S. Kuznetsov; Exec. Ed. G.A. Cherednichenko, FCTAS RAS. – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2020. P. 35-59. URL:

Глава из книги: Заочник высшей школы: социальное поведение в сфере образования и на рынке труда: монография / Г. А. Чередниченко, Е. Д. Вознесенская, И. С. Кузнецов; отв. ред. Г. А. Чередниченко, ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020. – 173 с. URL:
ISBN 978-5-89697-338-6
DOI нет

Posted on site: 15.12.20



The indicators of development of part-time higher education in Russia since 2000 until now are described as compared to full-time learning programs using the estimates based on the primary data obtained from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia as well as official statistics. The study involves analysis of the chronological changes in the indicators of enrollment rates, the applicants per place ratio, the distribution of applicants by age characteristics and the level of educational attainment, the number of students and their gender composition, graduation as such and broken by the type of degree (Bachelor’s, Specialist’s, Master’s), the form of ownership of an educational institution (public/private), and the ratio of state- and self-funded places (which takes into account youth demographics, where possible). Data on the proportion of part-time learning students in the 2017 enrollment rates is used to identify a series of trends that characterize the development of this form of education in particular federal okrugs and subjects of the Russian Federation.