Morozova N.M., Ustinkin S.V. Istoricheskaya pamyat' kak faktor obespecheniya stabil'nosti rossiyskogo gosudarstva i obshchestva. In: Vlast' v XXI veke. Sotsiokul'turnyye aspekty politicheskikh protsessov: Monografiya ... Morozova N.M., Ustinkin S.V. Istoricheskaya pamyat` kak faktor obespecheniya stabil`nosti rossiyskogo gosudarstva i obshchestva. In: Vlast` v XXI veke. Sotsiokul`turnyye aspekty politicheskikh protsessov: Monografiya / Pod obshch. red. M.I. Rykhtika, A.N. Fortunatova. – N. Novgorod: Izdvo NNGU, 2020. P. 59-78. ISBN 978-5-91326-591-3DOI нетРИНЦ: on site: 28.12.20 AbstractThe authors of the article turn to the category Historical memory, its essence, importance in the political process of Russia and in ensuring the national security of the country. Historical Memory is seen as part of the nation 's cultural and historical code, performing a consolidating, function in society. The authors conclude that the Russian authorities are quite effective in influencing the formation of historical consciousness and the preservation of historical memory of Russians, which is confirmed by the assertion in society of the idea of patriotism together with the ideas of protecting the rights and freedoms of the individual. The current formula, shared by the modern Russian elite - state patriotism plus economic liberalism, i.e. a combination of traditionalist and liberal concepts - contributes to the consolidation of Russian society and the strengthening of the positions of political leaders.