Sorokin O.V. Deviations in Meaning Within Youth Environment: A Sociological Research. Knowledge. Understanding. Skill, 2020, No. 4, pp. 116-128. Sorokin O.V. Deviations in Meaning Within Youth Environment: A Sociological Research. Knowledge. Understanding. Skill, 2020, No. 4, pp. 116-128.ISSN 1998-9873Posted on site: 07.01.20Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 07.01.2021)AbstractThe article examines the foundations for constructing deviations the meaning of socially approved norms in the changing reality of young people. It is noted that the main source of this process is the cultural space of young people. From the standpoint of the thesaurus approach, the semantic core of the given space attracts the meanings of basic culture, placing them in the zone of “its own”, and repels other meanings. For a long time, deviating meanings have been on the periphery; however, as the processes of rationalization in the ordering of social interactions grow, the ideas change about the rea% sonably substantiated and expedient in spheres of life significant for young people. This results in the embedding of deviating patterns in the process of young people understanding the significant objects of social reality. At the same time, the samples of basic culture are still reproduced in the cultural space of young people thanks to the action of the socio%cultural mechanism. An analysis of the data obtained in the course of a sociological study, conducted by the Center for the Sociology of Youth at the FCTAS RAS ISPR, indicates a significant share of modern rational meanings in the youth environment in the sphere of work and interpersonal relations. However, norms based on traditional meanings remain dominant.