Vartanova M.L. The need for social support of elderly citizens in the conditions of modern society in Russia. In: Improving the managerial, economic, social and innovative-technical potential of enterprises, industries and national economic complexes: A collection of articles of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Under the general editorship of D. ekon.Professor F. E. Udalov, V. V., Doctor of Economics. Professor Bondarenko. - Penza: RIO PGAU, 2020. P. 37-39. Vartanova M.L. The need for social support of elderly citizens in the conditions of modern society in Russia. In: Improving the managerial, economic, social and innovative-technical potential of enterprises, industries and national economic complexes: A collection of articles of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Under the general editorship of D. ekon.Professor F. E. Udalov, V. V., Doctor of Economics. Professor Bondarenko. - Penza: RIO PGAU, 2020. P. 37-39.ISBN 978-5-907181-58-8DOI нетРИНЦ: on site: 13.01.21 AbstractIn the XXI century, the quantitative growth of the elderly population relative to the adult population is an urgent problem of each state, which must be addressed at the state level. The article notes that the solution of these issues is a priority task of the leading countries of the world and should be solved at the level of global problems, since the growth trend of the elderly population is stable and dynamic.