Vartanova M.L. Analysis of the dependence of demographic indicators on socio-economic transformations in the country. In: Modern research in the humanities and natural sciences: Collection of scientific articles. Part IV ... Vartanova M.L. Analysis of the dependence of demographic indicators on socio-economic transformations in the country. In: Modern research in the humanities and natural sciences: Collection of scientific articles. Part IV / Scientific ed. of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences T. A. Kolesnikov. - M.: Publishing House Pero, 2020. P. 105-109 – - 4,3 Mb. [Electronic edition].ISBN 978-5-00171-217-6DOI нетРИНЦ: on site: 13.01.21 AbstractIn the article, the author notes that the most important indicator of the quality of demographic policy is precisely the quantitative component, and it directly depends on state measures of influence. Only the fight against poverty, corruption, building a successful foreign policy and social planning, the development and application of mechanisms for high-quality medical care can help to achieve the highest birth rate.