Ermolarva Yu.V. Impact of green jobs market formation on climate change prevention. Financial markets and banks, 2021, no. 4, pp. 25-32. Ermolarva Yu.V. Impact of green jobs market formation on climate change prevention. Financial markets and banks, 2021, no. 4, pp. 25-32.ISSN 2658-3917DOI 10.24411/2658-3917-2021-00007РИНЦ: on site: 21.06.21 AbstractThe article discusses the problems of the formation of a market for green jobs, taking into account climate change. The main differences between traditional and green economies, the importance of socio-economic programs and green jobs are outlined. The main types of green jobs are highlighted in accordance with the sectors of the economy most susceptible to climate change: agriculture associated with degradation of water resources and soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, waste disposal and recycling, construction industry, energy, transport. For them, tasks, skills, and new specialties that will be relevant in the framework of the green economy are highlighted. Socio-political programs to promote green jobs will need to focus on measures to regulate the production of green goods and services, make jobs and value chains more sustainable; increasing the resilience of businesses to adapting to climate change and resisting natural disasters, developing professional skills and qualifications, functions and offerings of social insurance, including environmental well-being.