Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Gnevasheva V.A., Ildarkhanova Ch.I. Life scenarios of rural youth. In: Self-regulation of youth life: methodology and social practices: monograph ...

Gnevasheva V.A., Ildarkhanova Ch.I. Life scenarios of rural youth. In: Self-regulation of youth life: methodology and social practices: monograph / Yu.A. Zubok, O. N. Bezrukova, Yu.R. Vishnevsky and others; scientific. ed. Yu.A. Tooth. 2021. P. 347-371.

Глава из книги: Саморегуляция жизнедеятельности молодежи: методология и социальные практики: монография / Ю.А. Зубок, О.Н. Безрукова, Ю.Р. Вишневский и др.; науч. ред. Ю.А. Зубок. – Белгород: ООО «Эпицентр», 2021. – 500 с.
ISBN 978-5-6045221-7-2
DOI нет

Posted on site: 25.06.21



The book is devoted to the development of methodological approaches to the sociological study of self-regulation of youth life in a changing reality. It provides a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the mechanisms of social regulation, the semantic foundations of the social behavior of young people and its radicalization; the analysis of the forms and methods of self-regulation in different spheres of life of young people and the implemented practices is presented. At the theoretical and empirical levels, the authors investigated the contradictions in self-regulation of life, caused by the social-group and regional living conditions of young people, as well as by the peculiarities of the state youth policy.