Lukyanetz A. S., Bragin A. D. The impact of natural climatic factors on level of population morbidity in Russia. Problemi socialnoi gigieni, zdravookhranenia i istorii meditsini. 2021;29(2):197—202. Lukyanetz A. S., Bragin A. D. The impact of natural climatic factors on level of population morbidity in Russia. Problemi socialnoi gigieni, zdravookhranenia i istorii meditsini. 2021;29(2):197—202.ISSN 0869-866XDOI 10.32687/0869-866X-2021-29-2-197-202РИНЦ: on site: 16.07.21 AbstractThe article considers the influence of natural and climatic factors on population health. According to expert judgments, natural and climatic factors are among causes of unwell feeling of significant part of Russians. The purpose of the study i s to determine in what limits and in what way the climate affects citizen health. The various natural and climatic factors were analyzed in the context of their differentiation by regions and the level of impact on human organism. It is determined that natural and climatic factors cause the development of chronic diseases in Russia. On the basis of data comparative analysis concerning nature of acquired diseases and migration level it is concluded that chronic diseases of population can contribute into process of “climate migration”. The article considers the influence of natural and climatic factors on population health. According to expert judgments,natural and climatic factors are among causes of unwell feeling of significant part of Russians. The purpose of the study is to determine in what limits and in what way the climate affects citizen health. The various natural and climatic factors were analyzed in the context of their differentiation by regions and the level of impact on human organism. It is determined that natural and climatic factors cause the development of chronic diseases in Russia. On the basis of data comparative analysis concerning nature of acquired diseases and migration level it is concluded that chronic diseases of population can contribute into process of “climate migration”.