Sorokin O.V. The thesaurus approach of Val. A. Lukov in the study into deviant meanings of interpersonal communicftion of young people. Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2021. № 3. Pp. 145-158. Sorokin O.V. The thesaurus approach of Val. A. Lukov in the study into deviant meanings of interpersonal communicftion of young people. Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2021. № 3. Pp. 145-158.ISSN 1998-9873DOI 10.17805/zpu.2021.3.11РИНЦ: on site: 11.10.21Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 11.10.2021)AbstractThe study of the meanings of interpersonal communication is of particular interest in connection with the dynamic changes taking place in the cultural space of modern youth. They are associated with the rethinking by young people of the habitual ideas about reality and shifts in the orientation complexes (thesauruses) that regulate the communicative practices of young people. Val. A. Lukov’s thesaurus approach, applied in combination with the sociocultural concept of selfregulation of changing reality developed in the Center for Youth Sociology by V. I. Chuprov and Y. A. Zubok, helps to study communication in the youth environment as a consequence of rethinking reality. Revealing basic (normative) and modern (deviant) meanings and forms of interpersonal communication allows us to understand the functions and direction of meaning deviations in the communicative sphere of cultural space of youth. The article is based on the results of focus groups, according to which the range of deviant semantic regulators of interpersonal communication, widespread in the youth environment, is highlighted. Among the most frequently used ones are obscene language and trolling. As found in the study, resorting to foul language helps young people to overcome the old, static, from their point of view, patterns of communication and contributes to a more trusting communication with peers. In turn, initiating pranks (pranking and trolling), selfpresentation and play become dominant in youth groups.