Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Latov Y.V., Latova N.V. Russian technological innovation in the mirror of domestic media (on the example of coverage of the development of technoparks). In: Science-intensive production in the system of interaction of institutions: monograph ...

Latov Y.V., Latova N.V. Russian technological innovation in the mirror of domestic media (on the example of coverage of the development of technoparks). In: Science-intensive production in the system of interaction of institutions: monograph / ed. G.A. Kliucharev. Moscow: FNISTs RAN, 2021. P. 172-197.

Глава из книги: Наукоёмкие производства в системе взаимодействия институтов: монография / М. В. Арсентьев, И. Г. Дежина [и др.]; отв. ред. Г. А. Ключарев. М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2021. 352 с. URL:
ISBN 978-5-89697-334-8

Posted on site: 24.11.21



The monograph presents the results of a three-year study conducted at the Center for the Sociology of Education and Science and Culture of the Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS with the support of Russian Science Foundation on the topic Continuing education and high-tech industries: institutions and practices of interaction ”. Based on the analysis of extensive empirical data, the features of the development of modern high-tech industries were studied. in the field of institutional interactions (administration, universities, research institutes and scientific organizations). Special attention paid to the training of personnel in the field of continuous and additional professional education.