Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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8401. Atanasova, A.A.The Formation of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Event-Company. Proceedings of the SouthWest State University, 2013, No. 6 (51), Part 1, pp. 57-60.

8402. Mastikova N.S. Values of Russians and Residents of European Leading Countries (according to the European Social Research). Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2013. No. 6 (118). P. 148-156.


8403. Semikolennykh M.V. Jean de Meung’s “Marvellous Triangle” and Transformations of Geometrical Figures in Nicholas of Cusa’s “De docta ignorantia”. Nicolaus Cusanus and Friedrich Schelling in the History of Russian Thought. VERBUM (The Miscellany of the Saint-Petersburg Center for Medieval Culture Studies), 2012, Vol. 14, pp. 41–50.

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