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(2019), “Zero-waste megacities in Russia: implementing an effective waste management scheme in Russia according to the expert survey on the example of Moscow and Kazan”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 5 (1), 96-108, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2019-5-1-0-8 [Zero-waste megacities in Russia: implementing an effective waste management scheme in Russia according to the expert survey on the example of Moscow and Kazan] Zhuravleva I., Lakomova N. Social aspects of adolescent health. Osterreichisches Multiscience Journal, 2019, Vol. 1, Issue 19, pp. 51-54.11860. A.V. Malinov, V.N. Morozov, L.G. Tonoyan. “I did the best thing of my life...”: V.I. Lamansky’s work in Venice archives. History issues, 2019, Issue 12 (1), pp. 275-287.201811861. Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. - 409 p.11862. The Identities of Middle Income Groups in Russian Society. In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 230-246.11863. Trajectories of the Middle Income Groups’ Evolution in Modern Russia. In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 45-64.11864. Intergenerational Mobility of Middle Income Groups in Russia and the Role of Family in this Process. In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 169-184.11865. Latov Yu.V., Petukhov V.V. The Level of Social and Political Activities among Middle Income Groups in Russia. In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 297-316.11866. The History of Studies of Middle Class and Middle Income Groups in Modern Russia. In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 20-30.11867. Consumption Characteristics of Middle Income Groups in Russia. In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 135-156.11868. Characteristics of Employment of Russian Middle Income Groups. In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 74-92.11869. Middle Income Groups in Russian Society: the Correlation Between Education and Material Well-Being. In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 106-122.11870. Social Security and Risk Resistance Capacity of Middle Income Groups in Russia. In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 196-216.11871. Middle Income Groups in Russian Metropolitan Cities In: Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. P. 357-369.11872. Orekh E., Boitsova O. (2017) Politicheskiye aktory na detskikh risunkakh 1917–1918 gg.: sotsiologicheskaya refleksiya (na osnove kollektsii V.S. Voronova iz fondov GIM). [Political actors in children’s drawings of 1917–1918: Sociological reflection (Based on Vasily Voronov’s Collection from the State Historical Museum)]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 20(4): 185–209 (in Russian). Chernysheva L. (2018) Veloprokat vne velopolitiki: novaya gorodskaya infrastruktura i svyaz’ «mobil’nykh» politiki i tekhnologii [Bikesharing out of a cycling policy:a new urban infrastructure and the relation between the mobile policy and technology]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 21(3): 170-200 (in Russian).11874. Moiseev S., Deviatko I. (2018) Virusnyy altruizm ili sotsial’noye zarazheniye? Sravnitelnyy analiz tipov uchastiya i mekhanizmov vovlecheniya rossiyskikh i ukrainskikh polzovateley sotsial’nykh media v blagotvoritel’nuyu kampaniyu Ice Bucket Challenge [Viral altruism or social contagion? Comparative analysis of types of participation and mechanisms of involving Russian and Ukrainian users of social media in the charitable campaign Ice Bucket Challenge]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 21(4): 154–181 (in Russian). Kolonitskii B., Matskevich M. 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Family Socialization, Trust and Change: Evidence from Russia. Comparative Sociology, 2018, Volume 17, Issue 3-4, pages 261–278.11899. Baimurzina G.R. Women in the Informal Sector of the Economy: Regional Cut (on the Example of the Republic of Bashkortostan). In: Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities. View from Russia [Electronic resource]: collected papers XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities ( Toronto, Canada, July 15-21, 2018) / Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov. Moscow: RSS; FCTAS RAS. 2018. – 441 p. P. 403-419. 1 ÑD ROM; 12 sm – system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 – Title from disk label. Next → 1   ... 236   237   238   239   240   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   248