Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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151. Kroshilin S.V. Intellectual potential of medical organizations: an integrated approach to assessment. Economics and management. 2024. Vol. 30. No. 8. Pp. 1013-1024. DOI: 10.35854/1998-1627-2024-8-1013-1024. EDN: GXHNHF.

152. Zhuravleva I.V. The interaction of digital devices utilization and behavior indicators of youth health. Problemi socialnoi gigieni, zdravookhranenia i istorii meditsini. 2024. Vol. 32. No. 5. Pp. 904–911.

153. Barash R.E. Russians' interest in national history and the main sources of knowledge about it. In: "Arrow of Time" in the mass consciousness of Russians: assessments of the past, judgments about the present, ideas about the future / FNISC RAS, Institute of Sociology. Edited by M.K. Gorshkov. Moscow: Publishing House "The Whole World", 2024. P. 13-45.

154. Information and Analytical Bulletin (INAB). Modern theoretical perspective in social structure research. 2024. No. 2. 142 p. DOI: 10.19181/INAB.2024.2. EDNA: KARR.

155. Pronin A.Yu., Drobyshevskaya E.V., Zhukova E.V., Shilova V.A., Pit V.V., Bakulin M.S. Awareness of key risk groups among the population of the Moscow region on hiv infection (data from the final observations). Public health and health care. 2024;3(82):31-43.

156. Sogomonov A.Ju. Artificial Intelligence and University: New Challenges for Philosophy of Education and Professional Ethics. Semestrial Papers of Applied Ethics. 2024. No. 1 (63). Pp. 77-93.

157. Sogomonov A.Yu. Artificial Intelligence in University education as an ethico-applied problem. Sentenial of Applied Ethics. 2024. No. 2(64). Pp. 82-97.

158. Gorchakova D.S., Kokoshina Z.A., Zaichenko O.V. Artificial intelligence and natural intelligence: relationships, opportunities and limitations. Microeconomics. 2024. No. 5. Pp. 14-25.

159. Ardelyanova Ya.A. Artificial intelligence as a means of social control of corruption. Humanitarian Scientific Bulletin. 2024. No. 1. Pp. 34-40.

160. Aksenova E.I., Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilin S.V. The use of digital technologies in the activities of medical organizations. Healthcare of the Russian Federation. 2024. Vol. 68. No. 5. Pp. 356-363. DOI 10.47470/0044-197X-2024-68-5-356-363. EDN IUEUDM.

161. Baymurzina G.R. Research on employment at industrial enterprises in Ufa in the 1970s and 80s: what is valuable and relevant today? Economics and management: research and practice journal. 2024. No. 5 (179). Pp. 129–135. DOI: 10.34773/EU.2024.5.22.

162. Barash R.E. Historical memory as a value basis of civil identity of the Russian society in the 2020s. Society and Power. 2024. No. 4 (102). P. 116–132.

163. Pain E.A. The Historical Weakening of Anti-Semitism in Russia and its ShortTerm Actualization in the Discourse of Modern Russian Nationalists. Vestnik Gumanitarnogo universiteta = Bulletin of Liberal Arts University. 2024;12(2):131-147. (In Russ.). DOI:10.35853/

164. History and Theory of Religion in Western Sociology: a textbook for universities / A. L. Arefyev, A. M. Bazhenov; edited by G. V. Osipov. - Moscow: Yurait Publishing House, 2024. - 288 p. - (Higher education). - Text: direct.

165. Makeeva S.B. History of the foundation and functioning of economic development zones in the Chinese northeastern province of Jilin (1991 to the present). Bulletin of Tomsk University. 2024. No. 505. Pp. 161-171.

166. Makeeva S.B. Jilin Province of China, 1949–1979: History of Regional and Demographic Development. Oriental Studies. 2024; 17 (2): 259–269. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.22162/2619-0990-2024-72-2-259-269

167. Makeeva S.B. History of economic and demographic development of the city of Dalian (Luida) in the 1950s - early 21st century. Scientific notes of Oryol State University. 2024. No. 3 (104). Pp. 36-40.

168. Makeeva S.B. History of economic and demographic development of the city of Changchun (second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries). Via in tempore. History. Political Science. 2024. Vol. 51. No. 3. P. 627-635.

169. Makeeva S.B. History of economic and demographic development of the Chinese northeastern province of Liaoning (1954-1978). Bulletin of Tambov University. Series: Humanities. 2024. Vol. 29. No. 5. Pp. 1496-1508.

170. Nikovskaya L.I. On the question of the relationship between the concepts of "resolution", "settlement" and "management" of the conflict. In: Socio-political conflicts: theoretical concepts and practice of settlement: [monograph] / L.N. Nikovskaya, O.M. Mikhaylenok, L.N. Timofeeva, etc.]; ed. by L. Nikovskaya.I., O.M. Mikhaylenko ; preface by O.M. Mikhaylenko ; FCTAS RAS - M.: FCTAS RAS . 2024. P. 358-373.

171. Voropaeva A.V., Korosteleva L.Yu. On the issue of the infrastructure of science cities. Problems of Territory’s Development, 2024, 28 (3), 82–96. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2024.3.131.6

172. Ilyicheva L.E., Parshina E.V. On the problem of digitalization policy of social partnership States and civil society. Finance, money, investments. 2024. No. 1 (89). pp. 25-31. DOI 10.36992/2222-0917_2024_1_25.

173. Epikhina Yu.B., Chernysh M.F. To the reader. In: Information and Analytical Bulletin (INAB). Modern theoretical perspective in social structure research. 2024. No. 2. P. 4-7.

174. Ostrovskaya Yu.E. How the ECHR recognized the dismissal of a trade union leader for an interview as a violation. Labor Disputes. 2024. No. 12. P. 16-19.

175.  How are you, Russia? Express information. 54th stage of the sociological monitoring, April 2024 / V. K. Levashov, N. M. Velikaya, I. S. Shushpanova [et al.]. – M. : FCTAS RAS, 2024. – 89 p. DOI 10.19181/monogr.978-5-89697-429-1.2024.

176. Kolesnik N.V. How to Study the Economic Elite, or What the Insanely Rich Russians Think about Themselves. Book Review: Schimpfossl E. Rich Russians. From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie. Moscow: Individuum, 2022, 352 p. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2024. N. 25. P. 135-146. DOI:10.25990/socinstras.pss-25.ex31-pp04

177. Karbainov N.I. “Kalymshchiki”, ‘budgetary workers’, ‘businessmen’ and ‘capitalists’: strategies of socio-economic adaptation of rural migrants living in ‘nakhalovki’ in Ulan-Ude. In: J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Humanit. soc. sci., 2024, 17(10), 1875–1891.

178. Vidiasova L.A., Grigoryeva I.A., Krivoshapkina A.S. (2024) Career Expectations of the Elderly in Russia: Based on the Analysis of the Resumes’ Database from the Rostrud Portal "Work in Russia". Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 1. P. 26–47.

179. Bryuno V.V. Quality Of The Urban Environment In The Perception Of Yaroslavl Students. Alma mater (Higher School Herald). 2024. No. 6. Pp. 17-24. DOI: 10.20339/AM.06-24.017. EDN: MNGLXC.

180. Andrianova E. V. (2024). Quality of life as assessed by residents of the Tyumen region. Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. Social, economic and legal research. Vol. 10. No. 3 (39). P. 111–128.

181. Ledeneva V.Yu. Chinese Students On The Russian- Chinese Strategic Partnership: Sociological Analysis Of Perception. Sociology. 2024. No. 11. Pp. 45-52. EDN CSUDHE.

182. Datsyshen V.G. Chinese workers at the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway 1898-1900. Far Eastern Affairs. 2024. No. 1. P. 109-124.

183. Medvedeva E.I., Pakhar V.A. Key problems of patent law in Russia. Progressive Economics. 2024. No. 10. Pp. 210-221. DOI: 10.54861/27131211_2024_10_210. EDN: VRLOZT.

184. Voronov V.V. The communication regime in modern Latvia. Power. 2024. Vol. 32. No. 4. Pp. 27-35. DOI:

185. Mikhailenok, O. M., Nazarenko, A.V. (2024) Communication and network as two technologies of political organization of man and sociality. Central Russian Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 19. No. 5. Pp. 12-42. DOI: 10.22394/2071-2367-2024-19-5-12-42. EDN: AGPPYS.

186. Rybakova M.V., Ivanova N.A. Comparative analysis of the image of civil servants in the representation of students from the Republics of Central Asia. Sociology. 2024. No. 8. Pp. 59-67.

187. Babich N.S., Ivashchenkova N.V. Competencies in Higher Education and the Labor Market: A Sociocognitive Analysis of the Problem of Integration. Integration of Education. 2024;28(1):68–80.

188. Savchenko, I.A. (2024) Connotations of Migration in the Discourse of Interdisciplinarity. Theory and Practice of Social Development. (12), 40–45. Available from: doi:10.24158/tipor.2024.12.4 (In Russian).

189. Mchedlova E.M. Consolidation of social forces is the key national security. World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies. 2024;15(3): 34SCSK324. Available at: (In Russ., abstract in Eng.) DOI: 10.15862/34SCSK324

190. Golbraikh V.B. Conspiracy discourse of Russian covid-dissidents in social networks (on the example of virtual communities in VKontakte). Political Expertise: POLITEX, 20(2), 212–230. ttps://

191. Rassolova E.N., Galkin K.A. Content Analysis of Publications and Citizen Science Programmes in the Field of Ecology. Science Governance and Scientometrics. 2024;19(2):296-314. DOI: https://doi. org/10.33873/2686-6706.2024.19-2.296-314.

192. Nikovskaya L.I. The conflict dimension of the network society: correlation of hierarchical and network principles of power// socio-political conflicts: theoretical concepts and practice of settlement: [monograph] / L.N. Nikovskaya, O.M. Mikhaylenok, L.N. Timofeeva, etc.]; ed. by L. Nikovskaya.I., O.M. Mikhaylenko ; preface by O.M. Mikhaylenko; FCTAS RAS - M.: FCTAS RAS. 2024. P. 324-341.

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