Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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401. A Russian Bureaucrat: a sociological analysis of the lifeworld of the state and municipal civil servants / Edited by D.M. Rogozin. Moscow: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015. 316 p.

402.  Rossiiskoe obschestvo i vyzovy vremeni. Kniga 2 / Pod red. M.K.Gorshkov, V.V. Petukhov. [Russian society and challenges of the time. Book Two / Gorshkov, M.K., Petukhov, V.V. – editors.]. Moscow: zdatelstvo Ves Mir, 2015. 432 p.

403. Gofman A. Seven Lectures on the History of Sociology. 10 th ed. Moscow: Knijnyi Dom Universitet, 2015.

404.  The Comparative analysis of vital orientations of women in 2012, 2014 and 2015 years in book: Family, children - vital values and installations: results of sociological interrogation of the population in regions of Russia . Moscow. 2015.

405.  Modern state and prospects of development of civil culture in the Russian society / Edited by M. F. Chernysh. – M.: Russian society of sociologists. 2015. – 160 p.

406. Social Diagnostics and Sociological Expertise: Textbook / Y.G. Volkov. - M.: KNORUS, 2015. - 240 p. - (Baccalaureate).

407.  Socio-Political Transformation in Modern Russia: Searching for a Sustainable Model of Development. – /Eds. L.I. Nikovskaya, V.N. Schevchenko, V.N. Yakimets. – Moscow, Publishing «Kluch-S», 2015. – 542 p.

408. Voronin, Gennady Leonidovich. ьSociology of Spiritual Life: tutorial / The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA); Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Exercise. 2015 - 224 p. ISBN 978-5-00036-096-5.

409. Tatiana Kozloa,Olga Krasnova. Senior Generation:gender and social-psichological aspects.-Saarbrucken, Deuchland. Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2015.

410. Tradition, Solidarity and Sociological Theory. Sekected Texts. Moscow: Novyi Khronogaf, 2015. 496 p.

411. Gasparishvili A. (Scientific editor), Alisov N., Isaev A., Onosov A. Labor Migration in Moscow: Facts, Opinions, perspectives. Situation analysis and national migration strategy modelling. — M.: MSU Publishing House, 2015. — 447 p.

412. Zk Saralieva, Širokalova G.s., P.i. Kukonkov, students of the great patriotic war. N. Novgorod, Russia: IZD-vo NISOC, 2015. -with 49.

413.  Value policy and institutional practices in the field of interethnic relations in economically developed countries with a complex ethno-cultural structure: Monograph / resp. ed. Y.G. Volkov. - Rostov-on-Don: The Foundation for Science and Education, 2015. - 316 p.

414.  The Black Sea-Caspian region and problems national security of Russia: textbook / resp. ed. Y.G. Volkov. Rostov on/D: The Foundation for Science and Education, 2015. - 214 p.


415. D. Konstantinovskiy, E. Voznesenskaya, G. Cherednichenko. Russian Youth at the Turn of XX–XXI Centuries: Education, Employment, Social Well-being. — M., 2014. — 548 p.

416. Kliucharev G. A., Didenko D. V., Latov Iu. V., Latova N. V. Continuing education as a stimulus for human development and a factor of socio-economic inequalities. / Ed. by Iu. V. Latov (PhD in Economics, Dr.Hab. in Sociology). M.: IS RAS, 2013. – 433 p. ISBN 978-5-906001-27-6

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