Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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2451. Hired workers of Non-goverment Sector Security(NGS)

2452. Zhvitiashvili A. Sh. Hiring labor in Western countries: trends of development // Hiring worker in modern Rissia / Ed. Z. T. Golenkova. - M.: Novya Chronograf, 2015. - 368 P. ISBN 978-5- 89697-249-5

2453. Invisible Power in the Russian Small Towns // Power and Elites / Ed. by A. Bystrova, A. Duka, D. Tev. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg: Intersotsis, 2015. 326-344 pp.

2454. Inequalities, poverty and social policies in Brazil

2455. New structures of employment and orientations of the youth

2456. Education and employability: opportunities and reality

2457. Popova E.S., Educational strategies of youth: the motivation of choice [Obrazovatel'nyye strategii molodezhi: motivatsiya vybora ] // Novyye smysly v obrazovatel'nykh strategiyakh molodezhi: 50 let issledovaniya [monografiya] / D.L. Konstantinovskiy, M.A. Abramova, Ye.D. Voznesenskaya, G.S. Goncharova, V.G. Kostyuk, Ye.S. Popova, G.A. Cherednichenko. — M. : TSSP i M, 2015. — 232 s. Pp. 98 - 123.

2458. Social morality in the context of social transformation

2459. Volkov Y.G., Barkov F.A., Serikov A.V., Chernous V.V. Social and political moods of youth in the Southern region: the potential of public and protest activity. In: Regional sociology: problems of consolidating the social space of Russia. Moscow: New Chronograph, 2015. Р. 379-410.

2460. Konstantinovskiy D.L. Graduation, intentions and reality: what they wanted - what they got [Okonchaniye shkoly, namereniya i real'nost': chto khoteli – chto poluchili] // Novyye smysly v obrazovatel'nykh strategiyakh molodezhi: 50 let issledovaniya [monografiya] / D.L. Konstantinovskiy, M.A. Abramova, Ye.D. Voznesenskaya, G.S. Goncharova, V.G. Kostyuk, Ye.S. Popova, G.A. Cherednichenko. — M. : TSSP i M, 2015. — 232 s. Pp. 184-209.

2461. The values of young mothers from different social groups: conformism vs self- direction

2462. Features of educational strategies of rural youth

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