Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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1751. Gimpelson V.E., Zinchenko D.I. “Physicists” and “lyricists”: Whom the Russian labor market values higher? Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2021;(8):5-36.

1752. Podlesnaya M.A. The philosophy of populism in the work of a sociologist: in memory of Irina Albertovna Khaliy (1950–2020). Journal of the Belarusian State University. Sociology. 2021;4:00–00. Russian.

1753. Panova L.V., Kupriyanov L.A. Financial Protection in Health in Rissia. St. Petersburg Sociology Today. 2021. No. 15. Pp. 5-19.

1754. Makar S.V., Yarasheva A.V., Alikperova N.V. Financial infrastructure: public access points. Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo = Economics, taxes & law. 2021;14(3):56-66. (In Russ.). DOI : 10.26794/1999-849X‑ 2021-14-3-56-66

1755. Shneiderman I.M., Yarasheva A.V., Makar S.V. Financial Behavior of the Population: Regional Differences. Voprosy Statistiki. 2021. Vol. 28. No. 6. P. 59-68.

1756. Klimova S.G., Mikheyenkova M.A., Russovich V.V. The Formalized Heuristics for Typological Analysis of Society. Scientific and technical information. Series 2. Information processes and systems. 2021. No. 12. P. 7-17.

1757. Osadchaya G.I., Kireev E.Yu., Vartanova M.L., Chernikova A.A. Formation of the social memory of the youth of the member states of the Eurasian integration. Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Sociology. 2021. Vol. 21. No. 3. Pp. 482-496.

1758. Eremenko, I., & Filimonov, K. (2021). Developing an Expert Community and Defining its Role in the Politics and Decision-Making of a World Heritage City: The Experience of Bamberg. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 19(2), 327-338.

1759. Ryazantsev S.V., Rostovskaya T.K., Zolotareva O.A. Characteristics of the reproductive behavior of the population in Iran and Russia during the Pandemic period COVID-19. Gigiena i Sanitariya (Hygiene and Sanitation, Russian journal). 2021; 100 (10) . (In Russ.)

1760. Saponova A. V., Zadorin I. V. “One Cannot be Famous for Good Deeds”: Media Coverage of Non-Profit Sector Activity During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2021. No. 2. P. 423-444.

1761. Komissarov S.N., Karpukhin O.I. Artistic and Creative Intelligentsia: mission and Destiny in the New Russia. Social snd humanitarian knowledge. 2021. No. 6. P. 33-61.

1762. Kryukova E. B., Koval O. A. The Literary Madness: Language as an Indicator of Insanity in the Fiction of the 20th Century (1920s). Critique and Semiotics, 2021, no. 1, p. 316–338. (in Russ.) DOI 10.25205/2307-1737-2021-1-316-338

1763. Dubrovin V.L. Feature TV-Content – some Trends of the Online Era. Innovative scientific research. 2021. No. 10-1(12). Pp. 102-109.

1764. Babich N.S., Batykov I.V. Value and cognitive prerequisites for overcoming the consequences of conflicts. Theory and Practice of Social Development. 2021. No. 10. P. 42–48. (In Russ.).

1765. Braslavskiy R., Kozlovskiy V. The Civilizational Dimension of the Structurating of Societies. Russian Sociological Review, 2021, vol. 20, no 1, pp. 148–175. DOI: 10.17323/1728-192x-2021-1-148-175

1766. Volkov Yu.G., Kurbatov V.I. Digital diaspora: new horizons of migrant media adaptation // Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical University. Series: Socio-economic Sciences. 2021; 14(6): 21–31. (In Russ.).

1767. Allakhverdieva L.M., Gasparishvili A.T. Digital socialization of schoolchildren and its significance for the development of Russian education. Alma mater. Vestnik vysshey shkoly.— 2021. — No. 5. — Pp. 26–31.

1768. Sogomonov A. Ju. Digital Ethics for digital education in the digital world. Semestrial Papers for Applied Ethics. 2021. Volume 58. P. 17-30.

1769. Ryazantsev I.P., Podlesnaya M.A., Pisarevsky V.G., Ryazantsev V. I. Digitalization in a small town: religiosity as an influence factor? Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (NPI) Series Socio-Economic Sciences, 14(4), 73-92.

1770. Levashov, V.K., Grebnyak, O.V. (2021). Digitalization in the Everyday and Socio-Political Life of Russian Citizens. Social’naya politika i sociologiya [Social Policy and Sociology]. Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 99–108. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.17922/2071-3665-2021-20-3-99-108

1771. Aleshkovski I.A., Gasparishvili A.T., Krukhmaleva O.V. Digitalization in the higher education system: Sociological analysis. Alma mater. Vestnik vysshey shkoly. 2021. No. 8. Pp. 16–24.

1772. Popova S.M. — Digitalization of the migration sphere in the Russian Federation: state and prospects // Law and Politics. – 2021. – ¹ 9. – P. 118 - 132. DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2021.9.36488 URL:

1773. Rybakova M.V., Ivanova N.A. Digitalization of management as a factor of effective interaction between the state and society. Sociology. 2021. No. 5. Pp. 157-164.

1774. Yanik A.A. — Digital space of the EAEU: current state and prospects // International Law and International Organizations. – 2021. – ¹ 3. – P. 42 - 61. DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2021.3.36454 URL:

1775. Sogomonov A.Ju. Digital University in Information Society: Ethical Issues of Current Transformation. Semestrial papers of Applied Ethics. 2021. Volume 57. P. 48-63.

1776. Farakhutdinov Sh.F. Online fitness: Is traditional clubs in danger of being crowded out? Theory and practice of physical culture. 2021. No. 6. Pp. 110.

1777. Mitiagina E.V., Konyshev E.V., Chernyshev K.A., Saifulin E.R. A Study of University Graduates’ Migration in Regions with High Migration Outflow: A Digital Footprint Analysis. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Tomsk State University Journal, 2021, 467, 144–155. DOI: 10.17223/15617793/467/18

1778. Fedotov A.A. Human potential and human capital: essence and difference of concepts. Journal of Economy and Business. 2021. vol. 7 (77). P. 148-155. DOI:10.24412/2411-0450-2021-7-148-155

1779. Osadchaya G.I., Kiseleva E.E. Human potential for sustainable development of the Eurasian Economic Union: an assessment of dynamics. Social space. 2021. Vol. 7. No. 4. Pp. 1-15.

1780. Tev D. (2021) Members of the Federation Council: Careers Before Taking Office and After Resigning. Mir Rossii, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 53–78 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2021-30-4-53-78

1781. Ryazantsev S.V., Smirnov A.V. «The Plague» by A. Camus and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Humanity in the Face of an Existential Threat. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Re- view. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2021. No. 3. Ð. 7-21. DOI: 10.26653/2076-4685-2021-3-01. (in Russ.)

1782. Kolesnikova E.M., Kudenko I.A. Schoolchildren about STEM professions: general and gender features of ideas. RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2021. Vol. 21. No. 2. PP. 239-252.

1783. Ruban L.S., Zabuzov O.N. The evolution of cities: from fortified military settlements to smart cities. Issues of National and Federative Relations. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 11 (80). Pp.3102-3110.

1784. Farakhutdinov Sh.F., Ustinova O.V. The evolution of the institution of marriage and public opinion. Sociology. 2021. No. 4. Pp. 136-145.

1785. Mchedlova E.M. Evolution of traditional and religious values. Sociology of religion in the late modern society. 2021. No. 10. Pp. 237-244.

1786. Lukyanets A.S., Ochirova G.N., Maksimova A.S. Ecological Migration from Central Asia to Russia. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 1. Jekonomika i parvî [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2021. Nî. 1. Ð. 38-49. DOI: 10.26653/2076-4650-2021-1-04. (in Russ.)

1787. Ermolaeva, P., Basheva, O., & Korunova, V. (2021). Environmental Policy and Civic Participation in Russian Megacities: Achievements and Challenges from the Perspective of Urban Stakeholders. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 19(2), 301-314.

1788. Veber A.B. Ecological imperaives and claims of hegemonism. Vek Globalizatsii [Age of Globalization], 2021, No. 1, pp. 3-18.

1789. Levchenko N.V., Biyzhanova E.K. Environmental problems as a factor of population migration in the Far East. Scientific and educational journal for students and teachers StudNet. 2021. No. 10. Pp. 1-11.

1790. Golbraikh, V. B. (2021), “Environmental conflict on the agenda of social network”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 7 (2), 102-115.

1791. Shamaeva E.F., Surskova E.S. Economic and statistical comparison of the economic situation of subjects and socio-economic differentiation of the population of Russia: measurement methods. Vestnik RAYEN. 2021. Vol. 21. No. 3. Pp. 141-151.

1792. Ilyicheva L.E., Rulev M.S., (2021), Economic and social problems in the views of Russian youth. Sociopolitical Sciences, 6: 36-42. DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2021-11-6-36-42

1793. Rostovskaya T.K. Bezverbnaya N.A. Economic Violence in the Family: Forms, Consequences, Prevention. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2021. No. 1. Ð. 53-64. DOI: 10.26653/2076-4685-2021-1-05. (in Russ.)

1794. Ekspertnaya panel’naya diskussiya «reagirovaniye na vyzovy i vozmozhnosti stareniya naseleniya i individual’nogo stareniya vo vremya pandemii COVID-19». 25 iyunya 2021 g. Karlov universitet (Praga, Chekhiya) i UNFPA [Expert panel discussion “Responding to the challenges and opportunities of population aging and individual aging during the COVID-19 pandemic”. June 25, 2021 Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) and UNFPA]. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii [The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology], 24(3): 239–245 (in Russian).

1795. Galkin K.A. (2021) Extra Time? Senses of Old Age and Their Understanding in the Book by Camilla Cavendish. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 2. P. 510–519. Book Review: Cavendish C. Extra Time: 10 Lessons for an Aging World. Glasgow: Harper Collins, 2019. (In Russ.)

1796. Rakhmonov A.Kh. (2021). Emigration from Tajikistan to the Baltic States: trends and prospects of development. Upravlenie, 9 (1), pp. 16–26. DOI: 10.26425/2309-3633-2021-9-1-16-26

1797. Kukonkov P.I., Ustinkin S.V. Ethnicity in the structure of factors of socio-economic development of the region (on the example of the Volga Federal District). Observer- Observer. 2021. No. 4. Pp. 104-116.

1798. Belikova M.V., Klochkova O.I. Ethnocultural Features Of The Gender Identity Of Chinese Women In The Context Of The American Multicultural Paradigm (On The Example Of Amy Tan's Creativity). Society and Security Insights. 2021. Vol. 4. No. 2. Pp. 115-131.

1799. Valiakhmetov R. M., Baimurzina G. R., Turakayev M. S. and Samba A. D.-B. Etnosotsialnye osobennosti zaniatosti naseleniia v respublikakh Tuva i Bashkortostan [Ethnic and Social Features of Employment in the Republics of Tuva and Bashkortostan]. New Research of Tuva, 2021, no. 4, pp. 206-222 (In Russ.). DOI:

1800. Naydenko V.N. The effectiveness of the activities of the subjects in the suppression of ethno-national conflicts in Russia. Interactive Science. 2021. No. 8(63). P. 30-35.

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