Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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2901. Lyublinsky V.V. Social policy in the new reality of network society. Global trends. Socio-humanitarian knowledge, 2018, Issue 5, pp. 127-134.

2902. Bizhanova E.K. Social policy of Regional Authorities: Development of the Socio-Cultural Potential of the Border Area. Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Sociology. Pedagogy. Psychology, 2018, Vol. 4 (70), No. 4, pp. 3-9.

2903. Anikin V.A. Social stratification based on life chances: operationalization for mass surveys. Monitoring of Public Opinion : Economic and Social Changes, 2018, Issue 4, pp. 39—67.

2904. Mozgovaya A.V. Social sphere: vectors of change, risks, and adaptation resources (the results of all-russian monitoring surveys). RUDN Journal of Sociology, 2018, 18 (4), 708–718. DOI: 10.22363/2313-2272-2018-18-4-708-718.

2905. Mikhaylenok O.M. Socio-political dynamics in the conditions of network society development. Socio-humanitarian knowledge, 2018, Issue 3, pp. 202-208

2906. Lyublinsky V.V. (2018) Socio-political aspects of technological transformation of society. Socio-humanitarian knowledge, Issue 4, pp. 157-163.

2907. Klimenko Z.V. Socio-political development of Russia in the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century and its influence on the former Yugoslavia. Bereginya. 777. Sova: Society. Politics. Economy, 2018, Issue 4 (39), pp. 26-35.

2908. Lenkov R.V. Socio-resource support by the population with higher education policy of socio-cultural modernization of regions. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2018, vol. 11, Issue. 6, pp. 202-211.

2909. Makushina L.V. Social and labor relations: new realities-new risks. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2018, Issue. 4? pp. 178-185.

2910. Barash R.E., Antonovskiy A.Yu. Sociological and philosophical foundations of science from the point of view of a system-communicative approach. Tomsk State University Journal Of Philosophy Sociology And Political Science, 2018, Issue 44, pp. 44-60.

2911. Endryushko A. A. (2018) Social and economic potential of Azerbaijani migrants who entered Russia in 2014-2017. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No.6. P. 216—233.

2912. Nikovskaya L.I. Social State and Social Policy: Challenges for the Non-Profit Sector. Caspian region: politics, economy, culture, 2018, Issue 3 (56), pp. 74-79.

2913. Lenkov R.V. Social design as a subject of sociological and managerial discourse. Scientific result. Sociology and management, 2018, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 101-112.

2914. Panfilova Yu.S., Mareev V.I., Surkova I.V. Social health as a factor of perception of interethnic relations in a polyethnic region (on materials of the Rostov region). SEARCH: Politics. Social studies. Art. Sociology. Culture, 2018, Vol. №3 (68), pp. 59-70.

2915. Vozmitel A. A. Social and socio-psychological characteristics of the success in today's Russia. SocioTime, 2018, Issue 2(14), pp. 67-74. DOI: 10.15350/2410-0773.2018.2.67

2916. Zemnukhova L. (2018) Sotsialnye issledovaniya tekhnologiy evolyutsiya i vzaimodeystvie podkhodov [Social Studies of Technology: Evolution and Interaction of Approaches]. Journal of Economic Sociology= Ekonomicheskaya sotsiologiya, vol. 19, no 5, pp. 113–129. doi: 10.17323/1726-3247-2018-5-113-129 (in Russian)

2917. Rusinova N.L., Safronov V.V. Social Inequalities in Health and Personal Psychological Resources: a Comparative Study Project in Europe and Russia. Teleskop: Zhurnal Sociologicheskih i Marketingovyh Issledovanij, 2018, No. 1, pp. 21-29.

2918. Bineeva N.K., Dyuzhikov S.A., Pechkurov I.V. Social problems of harmonization of interethnic relations in the Rostov region in the context of the state national policy. SEARCH: Politics.Society. Art. Sociology. Culture: scientific and socio-cultural journal, 2018, No. 1 (66), pp. 75-84.

2919. Tartakovskaya I.N., Lunin I.I. (2018). Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. Issue. 6, pp. 4-19.

2920. Volkov Yu.G., Panfilova Yu.S., Pechkurov I.V. Social experience of the Soviet past in the everyday practices of the population of the South of Russia. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2018, Issue 11, pp. 19-25.

2921. Uzunov V.V., Panfilova Yu.S., Khotsenko V.P. Social experience of the Soviet past in management practices in the regions of southern Russia in the context of Russian modernization. State and municipal management. Scientific notes, 2018, Issue. 4, pp. 191-194.

2922. Voropaeva A.V. Social and cultural analysis of adaptation of schoolchildren in leisure time. Sociology of Education, 2018, Issue. 5, pp. 59-64.

2923. Valiakhmetov R.M. Sociological approaches to assessing and diagnozing human potential in the region. Territorial development issues, 2018, Issue 5 (45).

2924. Maslovskaya E.V. (2018) Sociological Analysis of Interaction of Jurists and Forensic Experts: Theoretical-methodological Approaches. RUDN Journal of Sociology, 18 (3), 404-417.

2925. Andreev, A.L. (2018). [Sociology as a Tool of “Pedagogical Intelligence”]. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia. Vol. 27. No. 5, pp. 121-129. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.

2926. Basheva O.A. Spetsifika gorodskoy katastrofy na primere pozhara v INION RAN [Specificity of the urban disaster on the example of a fire in INION RAS]. Sotsial'nyye i gumanitarnyye nauki. Otechestvennaya i zarubezhnaya literatura. Seriya 11: Sotsiologiya: Referativnyy zhurnal [Social and Human Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 11: Sociology: Abstract Journal], 2018, Issue 2, pp. 99-116.

2927. Karavay A.V. Comparative Role of Institutional Factors and Ascriptive Characteristics in Determining the Quality of Human Capital of Russian Workers. Journal of Institutional Studies, 2018, Vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 59-71.

2928. Gasparishvili, A.T. Srednee professional'noe obrazovanie v Rossii: perspektivy vypusknikov [Secondary vocational education in Russia: perspectives of the graduates]. Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemy, resheniya, 2018, Vol.3, Issue 3, pp. 109-113 (In Russ.).

2929. Byzov L. G. The formation and history of the New Russia through the prism of contemporary social contradictions. Social Sciences and Contemporary World, 2018, Issue 4, pp. 58-75.

2930. Wiener B.E., Divisenko K.S. The Making of Urban Anthropology in Leningrad/St. Petersburg. Petersburg’s Sociology Today, 2018. Vol. 9, pp. 143-168.

2931. Kozlova T.Z. The older generation: the assessment of significant aspects of life. Journal of Social Research, 2018, No 1, pp. 24–31.

2932. Kertman G.L. Status of politics in Russian mass consciousness. Political science, 2018, Issue 2, pp. 151-172.

2933. Kefeli V.B., Gorina T.I. The pursuit of entrepreneurship as a proactive attitude of disabled people. Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics, 2018, Issue 10, pp. 36-40.

2934. Konstantinov V.V., Gritsenko V.V., Khukhlaev O.E., Ryzhova S.V. The structure of the religious identity of modern Orthodox youth. Psychological Journal, 2018, Vol. 39, Issue 4, pp. 95-104.

2935. Divisenko K.S. Subjective Well-Being: The Potentialities of Biographical Research. Petersburg’s Sociology Today, 2018. Vol. 9, pp. 47-61.

2936. Vanke A. Bodies and sexualities through the lens of feminist critics. Logos journal, 2018, Issue 4, pp. 82-84.

2937. Shcherbina, V. V. (2018), “Theoretical and methodological foundations of rationalization of administrative activities: developing a program of reforming the national management system”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 4 (4), 165-174, DOI: …10.18413/2408-9338-2018-4-4-0-14

2938. Kuriukin A.N. The research of legal awareness in western sociocultural discourse: theoretical and methodological basics. Social and political sciences, 2018, №2 (30), pp. 30-39.

2939. Dementieva I.F., Golenkova Z.T. Theory of Family Education in the General Theoretical Context of Social Sciences. RUDN Journal of Sociology, 2018, 18 (3), pp. 542-554.

2940. Vanke A. V., Polukhina E.V. 2018. “Territorial Identities in Industrial Neighborhoods: Cultural Practices of Factory Workers and Contemporary Art Communities”. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research 10 (3), 4-34.

2941. Adamyants T.Z. Technologies of consciousness: is it accumulation or structuring? The world of psychology, 2018, Issue 2, pp.114-123.

2942. Podlesnaya M.A. Technological system and а parish community. Bulletin of the peoples friendship University of Russia. Series: Sociology, 2018, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 431-442.

2943. Katernyi I.V. (2018) Trans-mobilities in post-human era:how is social order still possible? // RUDN Journal of Sociology. - 2018. - Volume 18. - No. 4. P. 638-650

2944. Galindabaeva V.V. Transformaciya praktiki otkrytogo usynovleniya v kontekste sel'sko-gorodskoi migracii (sluchai postsovetskoi Buryatii) [Transformation of the open adoption practice in the context of rural-urban migration (case of post-Soviet Buryatiya)]. Peterburgskaya sociologiya segodnya [Petersburg sociology today], 2018, Issue 10, pp. 149-168.

2945. Gontarenko N.N., Khotsenko V.P., Meskhi B.B. Transformation of social and cultural patterns in the perception of the population of the South of Russia. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2018, Issue 11, pp. 128-134.

2946. Titarenko L.G. Work and Education under Conditions of Transit to «Industry 4.0». Vesnik of Brest University. Series 1. Philosophy. Politology. Sociology, 2018, Issue 1, pp. 120-126.

2947. Valiakhmetov R.M., Baimurzina G.R., Turakaev M.S., Aitov S.G. BauLabor migration as a factor in the human potential of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Economics and Management: a scientific journal. 2018? Issue 6? pp. 147-156.

2948. Temnitskiy A.L., Bessokirnaya G.P. Work and life satisfaction in modern Russia: models of interrelation. Herald of Omsk University. Series «Economics», 2018, Issue. 4 (64), pp. 138-152.

2949. Malinov A.V., Kuriyanov V.A. University career V.I. Lamansky. Slavic Studies, 2018, Issue 6, pp. 98-110.

2950. Scherbina V.V. Management as a special type of regulatory activity. Personality. Culture. Society. Distinctive traits and features of social management (Part 1 ), 2018, Vol XX, № 1-2 (97-98), pp. 104 -117.

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