Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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201. The education system, the labor market and youth employment

202. Modern Conflict and sociology of stress. The conflict as a problem: Essays on Modern Theoretical and Applied Conflict. / Edited by AI Strebkova, AV Aleynikov, A.G.Pinkevich. - The collective monograph. C-PbGU. Institute of Philosophy. Development Fund Conflict, 2015. pp 93-109. St. Petersburg - 502.

203. Modern Russian Borderland: Political and Social Specification // Russian Caucuses: Problems, Researches, Decisions. Moscow: Aspect-Press, 2015. 214-219 pp.

204. Status and Abilities of Public Policy Institutions as an Indicator for Quality of thr Russian Society Transformation

205. A. V. Dmitriev, G. A. Petuhov. Socio-spatial discourse conflicts external labor migration // Regional sociology: the problems of consolidation of the Russian social space. M., a New chronograph. 2015. P. 347-378.

206. Means of social control to prevent adolescents' deviations

207. The Comparative analysis of vital orientations of women in 2012, 2014 and 2015 years in book: Family, children - vital values and installations: results of sociological interrogation of the population in regions of Russia . Andrey Pervozvannogo's fund and the Centre of national glory. Moscow. 2015. With. 141-172.

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